lirik&kunci gitar rohani-Bersama Keluargaku

G           C          Bm  Em
Kami datang di hadirat-Mu
           Am    D           G     D
Dalam satu kasih, dengan bersehati
G           C            Bm  Em
Berjanji setia sampai akhir
        A        D  D7
Mengasihi-Mu, Yesus

[reff] :    G        Em       Am        E
         Bersama k'luargaku melayani Tuhan

           Am        C        D          D7
         Bersatu s'lamanya mengasihi Engkau
                    Bm           Em   C           Cm
         Tiada yang dapat melebihi kasih-Mu ya Tuhan
           G           D         G
         Bagi kami Engkau segalanya

[bridge] :
   F            C       

Gelombang badai hidup
  Am           G
Coba menghalangi
  F            C  
Namun kuasa Tuhan
  Am         D
Buka jalan kami
As we come into Your presence Lord
Lifting our heart as one
And with one voice we sing

Promise to be faithful till the end
Forever love Your, our God

As for me and my house
We will serve you Lord
Together, forever
We will love You more
Your love is higher than the heavens
Knitted us as one
Great is your unfailling love

The trouble of this world may try
To stand in our way

But the power of Your spirit
Gives us the victory

Lirik dan kunci gitar rohani-Bersama keluargaku

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